[Infovis] 1st CFP: Conference on Visualization and Data Analysis (VDA) 2011

Wong, Pak C Pak.Wong at pnl.gov
Tue May 25 00:32:50 CEST 2010


Call for Papers

Conference on Visualization and Data Analysis (VDA) 2011
23-27 January 2011
Part of IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging 2011

Venue: Hyatt Regency San Francisco Airport Hotel, San Francisco, CA 94010

Submission Deadline: 28 June 2010

Keynote Address: "The Science of Visual Analysis at Extreme Scale"
Dr. Lucille T. Nowell
Program Manager, Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research (ASCR),
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)

Journal Extension: Authors of the best papers will be invited to revise and
extend their work for publication in a special issue of Information
Visualization (http://www.palgrave-journals.com/ivs/index.html).

Conference Sponsorship: The VDA 2011 conference is pending sponsorship by
Hewlett Packard (HP) Labs, National Visualization and Analytics Center
(NVAC), and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS).


The VDA 2011 conference covers all research and development and application
aspects of data visualization and, more recently, visual analytics
(http://nvac.pnl.gov). Since the first VDA conference was held in 1994, the
annual event has grown steadily into a major venue for visualization
researchers and practitioners from around the world to present their work
and share their experience every year. We invite you to participate by
submitting your original research as full paper or posters and join us in
San Francisco, CA.

Both paper and poster submissions will be peer reviewed. The average paper
acceptance rate of the recent VDA conferences was about 50%. Papers
presented at this conference will be published in a bound proceedings
published by IS&T/SPIE. Authors of the best papers will be invited to revise
and extend their work for publication in a special issue of Information
Visualization (http://www.palgrave-journals.com/ivs/index.html).

Since the term "data visualization" was found in the literature in the early
90's, it has gradually evolved into a broad area of research and
development. The data visualization Wikipedia page
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_visualization) and its references provide
a glimpse into its history of innovation and the latest cutting-edge
technology. Papers and posters are solicited on all topics of data
visualization. They include, but are not limited to:
 * Internet imaging, medical imaging, image processing
 * Biomedical visualization and applications
 * Internet, web, and security visualizations
 * Analysis techniques and data mining
 * Data exploration using classical and novel approaches
 * Databases and visualization
 * High-performance computing and parallel rendering
 * Tools and applications exemplified by case studies
 * Virtual environments and data visualization
 * Information and scientific visualization
 * Volume and flow visualization
 * Interaction paradigms and human factors

Conference Chairs
 * Pak Chung Wong, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, pak.wong at pnl.gov
 * Chaomei Chen, Drexel University, Chaomei.Chen at cis.drexel.edu
 * Ming C. Hao, Hewlett Packard Labs, ming_hao at hp.com
 * Jinah Park, KAIST, jinah at cs.kaist.ac.kr

Conference Co-Chairs
 * Katy Börner, Indiana University, katy at indiana.edu
 * David Kao, NASA Ames, david.l.kao at nasa.gov
 * Jonathan Roberts, University of Bangor, j.c.roberts at bangor.ac.uk

Steering Committee
 * Umeshwar Dayal, Hewlett Packard Labs, Umeshwar.dayal at hp.com
 * Robert Erbacher, Utah State University, Robert.Erbacher at gmail.com

Program Committee
 * Loretta Auvil, UIUC,lauvil at ncsa.uiuc.edu
 * Madjid Allili, Bishop's University, mallili at ubishops.ca
 * Paul Craig, Napier University, p.craig at napier.ac.uk
 * Sussan Einakian, University of Alabama in Huntsville, Einakis at eng.uah.edu
 * Daniel Keim, University of Konstanz, keim at inf.uni-knostanz.de,
 * Bill Pike, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, william.pike at pnl.gov
 * Carsten Görg, Georgia Tech, goerg at cc.gatech.edu,
 * Matti Grohn, CSC-Scientific Computing, matti.grohn at iki.fi
 * Ming Jiang, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, jiang4 at llnl.gov
 * Robert Kosara, UNCC, rkosara at uncc.edu
 * Heidi Lam, Google, heidi.lam at gmail.com
 * Bongshin Lee, Microsoft Research, bongshin at microsoft.com
 * Bob Lewis, Washington State University, bobl at tricity.wsu.edu
 * Renato Pajarola, University of Zürich, pajarola at acm.org
 * Peter Lindstrom, Lawrence Livermore National Lab, lindstrom2 at llnl.gov
 * Lars Linsen, Jacobs University, Bremen, l.linsen at jacobs-university.de
 * Zhanping Liu, Kitware, zhanpingliu at hotmail.com
 * Torsten Moeller, Simon Fraser University, torsten at cs.sfu.ca
 * Chris North, Virginia Tech, north at vt.edu
 * Lucy Nowell, Department of Energy, Lucy.Nowell at ascr.doe.gov
 * Aaron J. Quigley, University College Dublin, aquigley at ucd.ie
 * Tobias Schreck, TU Darmstadt, tobias.schreck at gris.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de
 * Jean Scholtz, Pacific Northwest National Lab, jean.scholtz at pnl.gov,
 * Chris Shaw, Simon Fraser University, shaw at sfu.ca
 * Han-Wei Shen, Ohio State University, hwshen at cse.ohio-state.edu
 * Mike Sips, German Research Center for Geoscience, msips at mpi-inf.mpg.de,
 * Kalpathi R. Subramanian, UNCC, krs at uncc.edu
 * Yinlong Sun, Purdue University, sun at cs.purdue.edu
 * Soon Tee Teoh, San Jose State University, teoh at cs.sjsu.edu
 * Melanie Tory, University of Victoria, mtory at cs.uvic.ca
 * Matt Ward, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, matt at cs.wpi.edu
 * Thomas Wischgoll, Wright State University, thomas.wischgoll at wright.edu
 * Mark A. Livingston, Naval Research Lab, markl at ait.nrl.navy.mil
 * Yingcai Xiao, University of Akron, xiao at uakron.edu
 * Zaixian Xie, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, xiezx at cs.wpi.edu
 * Jing Yang, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, jyang13 at uncc.edu
 * Eugene Zhang, Oregon State University, zhange at eecs.oregonstate.edu

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