[Infovis] Last CFP: ACM RecSys 2012 Workshop on Interfaces for Recommender Systems (InterfaceRS'12)

Rong Hu rong.hu at epfl.ch
Thu Jun 7 15:07:29 CEST 2012

* New submission deadline: June 18th, 2012 *
[apologies for cross-postings, please distribute]


Held in conjunction with RecSys 2012
13th September, Dublin, Ireland

InterfaceRS’12: https://www.abdn.ac.uk/~csc284/InterfaceRS/index.html
RecSys'12: http://recsys.acm.org/2012/

Submission deadline: 18 June 2011.
Submission System:  http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=interfacers12

As a half-day workshop, InterfaceRS desires to bring together researchers and practitioners around the topics of designing and evaluating novel intelligent interfaces for recommender systems in order to: (1) share research and techniques, including new design technologies and evaluation methodologies (2) identify next key challenges in the area, and (3) identify emerging topics. This workshop aims at creating an interdisciplinary community with a focus on the interface design issues for recommender systems and promoting the collaboration opportunities between researchers and practitioners.

As an interactive intelligent system, recommender systems are developed to give recommendations which match users' preferences. Since the emergence of recommender systems, a large majority of research focuses on objective accuracy criteria and less attention has been paid to how users interact with the system and the efficacy of interface designs from users' perspective. Well-designed user interfaces have the capability of enhancing user interaction experience and overall satisfaction. For example, explanation interfaces can increase user confidence in their decision choices and inspire user trust and loyalty to the used system. Nowadays, a variety of novel recommendation technologies have been developed to meet different needs (e.g., group and social recommenders). Recommender systems have also extended to new application platforms (e.g., mobile devices). In addition, heterogeneous information resources have been incorporated into recommender systems (e.g., psychological factors, social media). This brings forward new challenges in designing effective and efficient interfaces for these new recommender applications.

Topics of interests include, but are not limited to:

– Explanation interfaces
– Context-aware interfaces
– Social interfaces
– Ubiquitous and mobile interfaces
– Affective Interfaces
– Spoken and natural language interfaces
– Collaborative multi-user interfaces
– Conversational interfaces
– Adaptive interfaces
– Argumentation and persuasion interfaces
– Example- and demonstration-based interfaces
– New approaches to designing interfaces for recommender systems
– Case studies
– Empirical studies and evaluations of new interfaces
– Evaluation methods and metrics (e.g., evaluation questionnaire design)
– User studies
– Human factors (e.g., privacy, security, trust, confidence, transparency)
– Comparative studies across domains
– Design guidelines


We invite the submission of papers reporting original research, studies, advances, experiences, or work in progress in this area. Three submission types are accepted:

• Full technical papers (8 pages), presenting technical, scientific, and/or applicative findings, contribute to the knowledge and understanding of problems of interest, and/or present methodological advancements.

• Short technical papers (4 pages), presenting work in progress or of shorter, specific scope.

• Short demo papers (4 pages), describing how the novel interface prototype is used to solve practically important problems. A supplemental informal description (1-2 pages) should be attached to the submission, describing what attendees will be able to see or do during your demo (e.g. screenshots), and itemize any equipment or facilities that you will bring for your system demonstration. An accompanying video is optional, but highly encouraged. Any submitted video should be at most three minutes long and 50MB in size.

Each paper will be evaluated by at least three reviewers from the Program Committee. The papers will be evaluated for their originality, contribution significance, soundness, clarity, and overall quality. The interest of contributions will be assessed in terms of technical and scientific findings, contribution to the knowledge and understanding of the problem, methodological advancements, and/or applicative value.

All submissions shall adhere to the standard ACM SIG proceedings format and be sent as a PDF file via EasyChair (http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=interfacers12) by June 18th, 2012.

Note that at least one author of accepted papers needs to register and attend the workshop.

Important Dates
• Paper submission deadline: 18 June 2011.
• Author notification: 9 July 2011.
• Camera ready version due: 23 July 2011.

Program Committee
Li Chen, Hong Kong Baptist University, China
Henrik Eneroth, Antrop, Sweden
Alexander Felfernig, Graz University of Technology, Austria
Franca Garzotto, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Helen Hastie, Heriot Watt University, UK
Eelco Herder, L3S Research Center, Germany
Alejandro Jaimes, Yahoo! Research, Spain
Joseph Konstan, University of Minnesota, USA
Jesse Vig, Palo Alto Research Center, USA

Nava Tintarev, University of Aberdeen, Scotland, UK.
Rong Hu, EPFL, Switzerland.
Pearl Pu, EPFL, Switzerland.

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