[Infovis] Nominations for VIS Unification Committee - DL Friday, January 18th

Call for Papers - VGTC cfp at vgtc.org
Mon Jan 14 19:41:30 CET 2019

Dear VIS Community -

The VEC is currently forming a committee to develop detailed
recommendations for moving VIS to a unified area chairs model, along with a
new governance structure to facilitate the model. This committee will have
a significant impact in shaping the future of VIS.

**We are seeking nominations of people to serve on this committee.**

Members of the committee will be expected to participate in weekly meetings
and to conduct follow-up homework between the meetings for the duration of
approximately six months. Additionally, the committee will be tasked with
working in an open and transparent way, including releasing progress
reports on a regular basis to the community and soliciting feedback on
ideas as they evolve. The committee will be kept small to facilitate
agility and consensus.

The formation of this committee is based on a priority recommendation from
the VIS Restructuring Committee Report (see pg. 9 of the

If you would like to nominate yourself or someone else for consideration,
please email Lisa Avila <vec_chair at ieeevis.org> with the name of the
nominee and a brief description of the nominee’s most important
qualifications for this committee. **Nominations must be received by
Friday, January 18th.**

Lisa Avila
VEC Chair

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